Welcome to A. E. Maskiner ApS
We buy, sell and repair agricultural and construction machinery.
We deliver all over Denmark, and you are more than welcome to stop by.
We have the latest testing equipment for Caterpillar and we have day to day suppliment of various parts. This, of course, at very competitive prices.
Other than that, we recieve parts several times during the day. Our workshop has plenty of working space, where we can fulfill the increasing need for repairs on larger machinery.
We carry out maintenance, service, rebuilding and customizing of agricultural- and construction machinery.
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See all the news👍👍Fabriksny Volvo L180H leveret til Schultz Shipping Group🛳️ Steffen og den hvide 🚚har netop været på tur for at le…
Brugt Volvo L90H 😎solgt til Js-Byg Tømrer og Snedker v. Jacob Skipper, Auning Som den sidste af en række maskiner fik…
😍Traktor og vogn solgt til Js-Byg Tømrer og Snedker v. Jacob Skipper, Auning Den store og den lille chef trykkede hån…